To sustain Mechanical Rights royalties for Creators
Our Mission
BIEM aims to negotiate a standard agreement with representatives of the IFPI, fixing the usage conditions of societies’ repertoire. In the ever-changing music market, BIEM works to protect and increase royalties for Creators and strengthen Mechanical Rights collections worldwide.
Agreements are signed between Members to ensure the representation of their repertoire. Thus, Members are able to license users for the vast majority of protected works. BIEM also assists in technical collaboration between its members and helps resolve issues that may arise.
BIEM represents and defends the interests of its Member societies, particularly in forums relating to authors' rights such as WIPO, UNESCO, TRIPS and the WCO. Furthemore, BIEM collaborates with international NGOs which pursue the same objectives, such as CISAC and GESAC.
BIEM represents 60 Societies from 56 countries
Europa Occidental
Europa Central y Oriental
América del norte
América latina
More on BIEM's Collection figures